Chinese Journal of Chemistry雜志屬于化學類期刊, 目前刊期為月刊。
Chinese Journal of Chemistry雜志于1983年正式創刊, 國內統一刊號:31-1547/O6, 郵發代號:4-646, 是一本由中國化學會主辦的學術刊物。
script file should be in Word DOC format with tables and all graphics embedded in the text where they belong (graphics prepared with ChemDraw or Excel need to be embedded into the Word file and linked to those programs). Supporting In-formation should be submitted as a separate file. For clarity manuscripts should be subdivided into sections such as Intro-duction, Experimental, Results and Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgement and References.
Title should be as short as possible, clearly and accurately indicate the contents of the paper and be expressed in adequate scientific terms.
Author and Address: The full name(s) of the author(s) and full postal address(es) of the institutions where the research was done should appear under the title. Use the italic symbols a, b, c, etc., as superscripts to relate the authors to the correspond-ing address and an asterisk to indicate the author(s) to whom correspondence should be addressed. In order to speed up the reviewing and publication process, authors are requested to provide their telephone number, fax number and e-mail address.
Abstract: Authors of Accounts, Communications, Full Papers and Notes are required to submit a short abstract (even though Communications abstracts are not to be published in the journal). Abstracts should briefly state the reasons why the work was conducted, the significant results and conclusions.
Keywords: Please provide 3—5 keywords or phrases that will assist readers and indices in cross-indexing this study. To aid online searching, at least two keywords should be taken from the Keyword Catalogue available on the Chinese Journal of Chemistry homepage at “For Authors” .
Footnotes may contain supporting information.
Formulae and Equations: Subscripts and especially superscripts should be written with care, and exponents should be ar-ranged on a single line, e.g., e-60/RT. Organic structural drawings should be submitted in a form suitable for direct photo-graphic reproduction and should fill space economically. Do not use structures when a simple formula will suffice. Do not use multiple lines unnecessarily. Please type formulae and equations as normal text in the body of the text as far as possible.
Introduction should describe the significance and novelty of this work, and it should include relevant references.
Experimental section should be given in sufficient detail to enable others to repeat your work. In theoretical papers, some technical details such as computational methods should be confined to an appropriately named section.
Chinese Journal of Chemistry雜志收錄與榮譽
CA 化學文摘(美)
SCI 科學引文索引(美)
CSCD 中國科學引文數據庫來源期刊(含擴展版)
JST 日本科學技術振興機構數據庫(日)